News Detail


Apr, 2023

JCLL April Board Meeting

Jefferson County Little League
Board Meeting Minutes
4/30/23, 6pm Hampton Inn


Greg Stevens

Bryan Sutherland

Abbie Dudley

James Greuhle

Lauren Will

Greg Sager

Dina Didion

Josh Didion

Anthony Thomas

Kevin Corey

Larry Guerra

Mike Moulton

Call to order – 6pm

Director of Majors - Greg Stevens

  • Reviewed Notes from District Meeting

    • Junior League catchers need throat guard

    • Happy with safety plan

    • Host home run derby – let Nevin know ASAP

    • On deck circle – need to focus on making sure the kids

    • Pay for charter teams 

    • 1 Senior league (JV) team registered right now

    • All stars enrolled by June 1st – players 8 games / team 12 games

President, Greg Sager

  • All Star Process – get the tab up and visible on website – due Saturday, 5/6/23, applications for Players, Managers, & Coaches, must be Diamond trained, must be turned into the team Manager, if interested, put in an application, dates and locations are still being determined – teams will be announced June 1st – not for Battle of the Burg

    • Coaches selection meeting – 7pm, May 9th at JCLL

    • Players selection meeting – 6pm, May 11th at JCLL

  • Motion to allocate $8000 to purchase all star uniforms by  Lauren, second Larry, approved

  • Alternative to Opening Day Ceremony – closing day on June 3rd – Picnic in the Park

  • Fall Ball Registration – by end of May, same fee as 2022

Vice President, Lauren Will

  • Tee Ball benches –  need to install as is

  • Electronic Meetings – discussed adding a new by-laws allowing virtual meetings

    •  Motion for new electric meetings bylaws by James,  Josh second, approved as a new by-law, (Note: needs to be approved annually)

Treasurer, Josh Didion

  • Primary - $43,483.29

  • Debt – $1,451.12

  • Savings – $19,044.43

  • Total: $63,978.84

  • Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Lauren, Mike second, approved

Secretary, Dina Didion

  • Two scholarship applications – one for softball and one for baseball

Fundraising, Dina Didion

  • Reviewed amount raised from Spirit Nights, Kona Ice, Banners and auction

Director of Fields, Larry Guerra

  • Upcoming meeting with Musco – Larry is trying to get an extended loan payment for $15,000 for lights - update majors and then possibly give minors majors old lights, and get lights for tee balls – goal is to get lights for all fields

  • Lawn Mower – shorting out – needs to be repaired

    • Motion to allocate $1,000 to fix mower by Mike, Bryan seconded, approved

  • Discussed if we can use the open space by the old bus garage, where the soccer fields were going to go in order to add more parking. Lauren to ask around 

Directors, Minors – Kevin Corey

  • Minors Field tarp – needs a new home plate tarp 

    • Motion for to allocate $2,000 for new tarps for several fields by James, Abbie seconds, approved

  • Battle of the Burg – June 28th, be prepared to have more than one team – will do a call in mid-May

Player Agent, Abbie Dudley

  • 12 year olds who were moved down to AAA, never got their forms

  • Discussion around Nationals team struggles

Player Agent / Safety, James Greuhle

  • Two incidents that were reported – forms turned into Little League International

Director of Juniors, Mike Moulton

  • Schedule for the remainder of the season is ready

Board Meeting – May 21st, 6pm

Meeting adjourned – motion by Dina, 8:25pm

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