Registration Listing

2025 Spring Softball Registration (Click here/Show Details)

Jefferson County Little League (JCLL) serves all players ages 4-16 years old with a focus on developing strong athletic skills and good sportsmanship behaviors.

* Please read the following information thoroughly. Please also click on the blue hyperlink in the division area, for the division you are signing your child up for. Most questions related to signups will be under the division information. *

Registration Fees
The fees for the 2025 Spring season:
$80 Registration + $3 service fee + credit card fee - Siblings receive a $10 discount on registration.
+ $50 to go towards the mandatory fundraiser. The mandatory fundraiser is a lottery, in which each family will be entered for a chance to win our weekly Saturday drawing for $200. There are 8 chances to win during the season.
+ $50 optional concession stand opt out fee. This fee is collected if you choose to not volunteer at least 2 hours in the concession stand OR umpire a game, per player/fee. Umpiring does NOT apply to Tee ball or Coach Pitch games.
*** Registration must be completed by February 22, 2025. Registrations after that date will incur a $10 late fee/per order.
Please note, the Concession Stand is one of the largest fundraisers for JCLL. In the past few years, we have seen a decline in volunteer support for running the concession stand. To help compensate for the loss of funds due to the lack of assistance, we have added the Concession Stand fee. If you do not pay the opt out fee at registration, we ask that you volunteer at least 2 hours in the concession stand OR umpiring a game, per player/fee.
*The concession stand committee will be tracking volunteer hours. Please “sign in” at the concession stand and/or email the respective UIC to advise of the game(s) you have umpired.
Player Registration
All players must be registered for the 2025 Spring season. Registration can be completed online, including uploading required documents and paying all fees. If the registration process is completed online, there is no need to attend an in-person registration event. We will offer one in-person registration; however, we encourage online registration. The in-person registration event will incur the same fees listed above.

The in-person registration will be Saturday 02/22/2025 Time TBD, subject to change depending on weather. The location will be at the JCLL fields Concession Stand. - Please have all the required documents prior to attending the in-person registration. All documents must be received by March 1, 2025, for players participating in the draft (Majors/Juniors). Players will not be allowed to attend tryouts unless all documents are received by that time.

Required Documents
The following documents are required by Little League International. Click here to see Little League International’s residency requirements. Each document must show a date between Feb 01, 2024 – Feb 01, 2025, in order to be accepted.

Birth Certificate - only need to submit the first year, JCLL will retain.
Proof of Residency - the School Enrollment Form is required for all players League Age 9 and above; this form needs to be completed by your player's school and only needs to be submitted once (as long as your player remains enrolled in that school). If the player moves from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school, an updated form is required. JCLL will retain this form along with the birth certificate.
**Players who are homeschooled or who reside in Jefferson County but do not attend a school in Jefferson County, must verify their residency every year via 3 required documents.
Tryouts will be 03/01/2025 and 03/02/2025 Time TDB, subject to change. Location and times will be posted on the website, under “Registration Info” the “Tryouts 2025” tab and posted on Facebook.
Special Requests / Coach Requests
Please identify any special requests in the appropriate registration field. For instance, your player needs to be on the same team as another player for transportation/childcare or a request for a specific coach. We will make all reasonable attempts to fulfill special requests, although there is no guarantee that we will be able to do so. It is much easier to accommodate special requests prior to the creation and dissemination of rosters. Making changes after the rosters are disseminated unfairly affects other players and families. This is applicable only to tee ball and Minor League. All other Leagues are subject to a draft.
For any additional questions, please contact the JCLL Player Agent Kaysie Staubs, at [email protected]

Coach Pitch - Softball (Click here for info)

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/05/2025 to 05/31/2025
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Minor - Player Pitch - Softball (Click here for info)

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/05/2025 to 05/31/2025
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Major - Softball (Click here for info)

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/05/2025 to 05/31/2025
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Junior - Softball (Click here for info)

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/05/2025 to 05/31/2025
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2025 Spring Baseball Registration

Jefferson County Little League (JCLL) serves all players ages 4-16 years old with a focus on developing strong athletic skills and good sportsmanship behaviors. 

Registration Fees 
Players can be registered for the Spring season for a fee of $136.50. Of that, $50 goes towards the mandatory fundraiser. The mandatory fundraiser is a lottery, which each family will registered for a chance to win our weekly Saturday drawing for $200. There are 8 chances to win during the season. Siblings receive a $10 discount. 

Please note, we have added an additional Voluntary Fee . The Concession stand is one of the largest fundraisers for JCLL. In the past few years, we have seen a decline in the volunteer support for running the concession stand. In order to help compensate for the loss of funds due to the lack of assistance, we have added the Concession Stand Voluntary fee option. If you wish to waive your need to volunteer in the concession stand, you may pay a $50 fee to be excused from volunteering in the concession stand. NOTE: If you sign up to volunteer in the concession stand, but do not fulfill your commitment by the end of the Spring season, you will be charged a $50 fee to your account.

Player Registration 
All players must be registered for the Spring season. Registration can be completed online, including uploading required documents and paying all fees. If the registration process is completed online, there is no need to attend an in-person registration event. We will offer one in-person registration and encourage online registration.  

The in-person registration is to be determined. The location will be at the JCLL fields at the concession stand.  

Please have all required documents prior to attending an in-person registration. All documents must be received prior to tryouts for players participating in the draft (AAA, Majors, Juniors). Players will not be allowed to attend tryouts unless all documents are received by that time. 

Required Documents 
The following documents are required by Little League International: 
Birth Certificate - only need to submit the first year, JCLL will retain.
Proof of Residency - the School Enrollment Form is required for all players League Age 9 and above; this form needs to be completed by your player's school and only needs to be submitted once (as long as your player remains enrolled in that school).  If the player moves from the elementary school to the middle school, an updated form is required. JCLL will retain this form along with the birth certificate. 

Players who are homeschooled or who reside in Jefferson County but do not attend a school in Jefferson County, must verify their residency every year via 3 required documents. 

Click Here to see Little League International’s residency requirements. Each document must show a date between Feb 01 of last season and Feb 01 of the current season.

Tryouts are still to be determined. Location and times will be posted on the website, the JCLL Facebook page, and through the JCLL email blast.

Special Requests 
Please identify any special requests in the appropriate registration field. For instance, your player needs to be on the same team as another player for transportation/childcare or a request for a specific coach. We will make all reasonable attempts to fulfill special requests, although there is no guarantee that we will be able to do so. It is much easier to accommodate special requests prior to the creation and dissemination of rosters. Making changes after the rosters are disseminated unfairly effects other players and families. This is applicable only to tee ball and Minor Leagues A & AA. All other Leagues are subject to a draft.

For any additional questions, please contact the JCLL Player Agent at [email protected]

Tee Ball - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Minor - Coach/Machine Pitch - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Minor - Player Pitch - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 10/01/2025
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Major - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Intermediate (50/70) - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Junior - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Senior - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 06/07/2025
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