Jefferson County Little League
Board Meeting Minutes
June 4 2023, 6pm JCLL Fields
Josh Didion
Dina Didion
Bryan Sutherland
Greg Stevens
Anthony Thomas
AJ Mason
Kevin Corey
Motion Call to Order at 6:06pm
Special Guest - Per Greg Sager, Donnie Bean is interested in joining the Board - open discussion with Donnie
Special Guest - Per Greg Sager, Brenda Engle is interested in rejoining the Board as Concession Stand Manager - open discussion
Reading & Approval of Minutes
Reports of Officers
Treasurer (Josh)
Treasurer Report - Kevin motioned to approve. AJ seconded. Report approved.
Checking - $34,131.23
Savings - $19,045.56
Debit - $873.97
Total - $54,050.78
Per Greg Sager, Musco light update. Josh gave an update on the meeting from May 30, 2023.
Per Greg Sager, All Star Parent Meeting date / time and who will present what
The SOP states: After an All-Star team has been formed and notifications are completed, a mandatory team meeting will be held with the players, parents/guardians, manager, coaches, and the following BOD members: President, Division Director, Player Agent, Treasurer, Director of Fundraising and Director of Equipment. During this meeting, team expectations will be explained, to include practice schedules, commitments, fundraising, uniforms, etc.
Propose Thursday, June 8th at 7pm
8/10 team will be held at a later date
Per Greg Sager, 10-11-12U Coach nomination - Dina to motion, Greg St. second, Motion approved
Per Greg Sager, Battle of the Burg Manager nominations - Greg motioned, Bryan second, motion approved
Dean Ballenger
Kevin Horn
Per Greg Sager, Juniors 3rd coach TJ Utterback - Dina motioned, Kevin second, motion approved
Per Greg Sager, MaryBeth Group as 3rd Softball 8/10 Coach, Greg motioned, Kevin seconded, motion approved
Secretary, Information Officer / Director of Fundraising (Dina)
Director of Majors (Greg St)
Director Minors (Kevin)
Director Softball (Bryan)
Coaches Coordinator (Anthony)
Director of Equipment (AJ Mason)
Motion to adjourn - Greg St., Josh second, motion approved