Saturday, October 14, 2023
President’s Report given by Greg Sager
Treasurer’s Report
Constitutional Changes
Discussed the number of JCLL Board of Director positions to be filled in 2023/2024. Greg Stevens motioned for 20 board members. Brenda Engle second the motion. All approved.
Discussed listing expectations for the Directors of each division, as the Constitution does not currently list any. Greg Stevens motioned to update the constitution to include listing expectations for Directors of a Division. AJ Mason second the motion. All approved.
Article VII SECTION 10 – Division Director
The Directors of a Division shall:
Act as a liaison between the Board of Directors and those involved in the division, both internally within the League and with other Leagues or external organizations.
Coordinate player and volunteer recruitment and retention efforts within the division.
Assist the Player Agent with evaluations and assembling teams within designated division.
Perform such duties as from time to time that may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.
Oversee or delegate responsibility to the division representative the responsibility to oversee Special Baseball games.
Assist with creating schedules for the division.
Nomination of the Election Chairperson
Election of the 2023-2024 Board
Adjournment of the 2023 General Membership Meeting