News Detail


Oct, 2024

October 27th Board Meeting Minutes

October 27th,2024



Bryan Sutherland

AJ Mason

Kevin Corey

Anthony Thomas

Brandi Beery

Greg Sager

Greg Stevens

Larry Guerra

Amanda Impellizzeri

Kaysie Staubs

Sarah Kain

Rick Hahn

Kendell Burke

Zoom: Kristin Stoner and Ryan Cefalu


o   Call to Order


o   President – Bryan Sutherland

·        Using Zoom for calling into meetings

·        Please remember we are here for the kids. Remain respectful even when you don’t agree and work together.

·        Review Constitution

·        Introductions

·        President’s meeting in Moorefield:

·        Background checks need to be completed for board members.

·        Abuse awareness training will now be completed through little league.

·        Central registration is live; will be able to do aware with tournament binders.

·        Umpires can sign up to ump tournaments on the registry, must be approved by Neven.

·        Invite to Warner Robin or Southeast offers official training for umpires.

o   Upcoming Important Dates:

·        April 6th – District 6 meeting

·        June 1st – Tournament draw

·        June 14th & 15th – Tournament Draw

·        Juniors Baseball – Don’t count us out; ask Jefferson if we could use Sager Field

·        8-10 Baseball – Huntington (July 4th)

·        10-11 Baseball - Beckley

·        11-12 Baseball – Elkins

·        8/9 Softball – District 6 will host

·        Juniors Softball –

·        Majors Softball –

·        We will get a tournament this year


o   Determining Remaining Open Positions:

·        Juniors Baseball – Bobby Group – Motioned by Rick, Kendell 2nd, all approved

·        Minors Baseball – Kevin Corey - Motioned by Amanda, Sarah 2nd, all approved

·        Tee Ball Director – April Counselman – Motioned by Kevin Corey, Amanda 2nd, all approved

·        Softball Director – Kristin Stoner - Motioned by Amanda, Rick 2nd, all approved

-Kaysie interest

- Silent Vote

- Result – Kristin Stoner voted to be Softball Director

·        Coaches Coordinator – Anthony Thomas – Motioned by Rick, 2nd by Larry, all approved

·        Equipment Manager – AJ Mason – Motioned by Rick, Greg Stevens 2nd, all approved

·        Baseball Umpire in Chief – Kevin Horn - Motioned by Rick, AJ Mason 2nd, all approved

·        Baseball Player Agent – Andrea Hudson - Motioned by Kendell, Greg Stevens 2nd, all approved

·        Information Officer – Sarah Kain - Motioned by Rick, Amanda 2nd, all approved

·        Possible committees:

·        Fundraising

·        Grants


o   A&T Training upset commented on Facebook, comment removed

o   Parade participation:

·        Charles Town Christmas Parade – Motioned by Kendell, Greg Stevens 2nd, all approved

·        Amanda and Sarah to head parade committee

·        Invite all All Star teams, Battle of the Burg teams, and 8/9 softball tournament, and all league participants.


o   Vice President:

·        Minor Field needs lights


o   Treasurer:

·        3 Accounts

·        Debit: $848

·        General Checking: $3,262

·        Savings: $15,000

·        Total: $19,000

·        Concessions Profit: $18,500

·        Need to account for $4,000 - $5,000 to run the “dead months”

·        Sarah - Previous Player Scholarship - Approved

·        Turf quote:

·        Need a firm quote on turf for majors field

·        Possible to consider new field

·        Check with companies for financing


o   Director of Fields:

·        Will have turf quotes at next meeting

·        Closing fields on November 1st

·        Larry – Fields need dirt and reseeded. Steve Kropp is arrogating and reseeding Tee ball fields


o   Meeting Adjourned. Motioned by Greg Stevens, AJ Mason 2nd, all approved.

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