News Detail


Jun, 2023

JCLL Board Meeting 6/29/23

Jefferson County Little League
Board Meeting Minutes
6/29/23, 6pm Hampton Inn


Dina Didion

Josh Didion

Larry Guerra

Greg Stevens

Greg Sager

Abbie Dudley

Kevin Corey

Brenda Engle

Lauren Will

  • Call to Order – Motion to begin Kevin Corey at 6:08pm

  • Special Guest - Morrigan “Gunny” Dudley, softball player on 9/10/11 All Star team, played Softball Majors – wanted to express her concerns over the way the 9/10/11 All Star team is being managed

  • Reading & Approval of Minutes

    • Motion to approve Minutes by Josh, second by Lauren, approved

  • Reports of Officers

    • President (Greg Sager)

      • Talked about 9/10/11 All Star situation. Will be down one coach as the one coach is going to Spain. 

      • Gave updates on tournament teams.

      • Someone has offered to  donate a mower to the league

      • Discussed the cost of the musco lights. 

    • Treasurer (Josh)

      • Treasurer Report – Lauren motioned, Larry seconded, report approved

        • Report not finalized as it is not the end of the month

      • Waste Management update

        • Discussed switching to Apple Valley Waste  - lower cost and includes trash bins

      • All Star jersey money collection

        • All collected

      • All Star State money Distribution – discussion

        • Greg Motion to approve reimbursement  using the following  formula for each family and coaches without players (calculation: 50% of average of hotels times 3 days) for any team that is eligible per All Star SOP and divide the All Star banner sponsorship money ($2000) by all players that qualify per the SOP, Brenda seconded, motion approved

    • Secretary, Information Officer / Director of Fundraising (Dina)

      • 8/9/10 Fundraising

        • Ledo’s is doing a three day spirit event

        • Hillside Vet donated $100

        • Also collecting donations via Venmo and BetterWorld online platform (same one we used for auction)

    • Director Fields and Facilities (Larry)

      • Lumber and netting for Jr's field – to meet High School safety requirements

        • Trying to get the lumber donated

        • HomeDepot is willing to donate some boards – need letters

      • Fencing for minors field 

        • Will repair existing backstop

      • Backstop for teeball fields 

        • Waiting on a quote

      • Tarps Discussion – quote for tarps is $3,600. We originally approved $2,000. – Use left-over approved equipment funds to cover the cost of the tarps. 

    • Player Agent, Baseball (Abbie)

      • Fall Ball updates and schedule

        • 95 signed up

        • Registration to close 7/29

        • Start the season 8/12 to 10/14

          • Games start 8/26

    • Director Softball (Bryan)

      • Propose Kaci Rice as 9/10/11 All Star Softball Coach - approved via email

    • Director of Concessions (Brenda)

      • Report on upgrades and repairs

        • Gave a report on 2 years worth of changes

        • Pettit doing treatments for free – will need to negotiate for 2024

      • Fall ball - concessions and staffing

        • Limited menu for fall

        • Needs a schedule for fall ball as soon as we can so they cover the concession stand

          • Request schedule consideration

      • Vender update – eliminated FoodPro and now using Jason from Kurtzy Food Service

      • Greg Stevens motions to give a $50 gift card to Avery. Kevin seconded. All approved.

    • Vice President/Director of Tee Ball/Safety (Lauren)

      • 5 benches left for tee ball

      • Safety – Air Quality – orange okay to practice, red do not practice

      • 9/10/11 All Star Softball injury at 6/28/23 baseball game

    • Director of Majors (Greg St)

      • Meeting with Mayor of Ranson to see if we are getting any ARCA money

    • Director Minors (Kevin)

    • Director Juniors (Mike)

    • Umpire in Chief (Donnie Bean)

    • Director of Equipment (James M)

    • Coaches Coordinator (Anthony)

  • New Business Tabling / Adjourn

Move to adjourn Greg Stevens at 8:20

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